Our Whole Lives: Lifespan Sexuality Education
Our Whole Lives is a lifespan, comprehensive sexuality education program, inclusive and holistic in its approach. Trained facilitators lead groups through a series of interactive lessons. They provide honest and accurate information about sexuality in an age-appropriate way. Parents are affirmed as their children’s primary sexuality educator. Non-members are welcome to participate. Fees apply, with scholarships available.
Our Whole Lives offers accurate information presented in developmentally appropriate ways:
Affective and emotional learning
Guiding values and principles
Activities that help participants clarify values and improve decision-making skills
A safe and supportive peer group
Acceptance of diversity
A social justice approach to inclusive sexuality education.
The OWL program for 7-9th graders is offered biannually, or given participant and teacher availability. Our Whole Lives offers programming for people of all ages, and UUTC will add additional age-level courses as able.
While Our Whole Lives is secular, it is not value-free. The program gives clear messages about the following key sexuality issues: self worth, sexual health, responsibility, justice and inclusivity. Our Whole Lives recognizes and respects the diversity of participants with respect to biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and disability status. The activities and language used throughout the program have been carefully chosen to be as inclusive as possible of this human diversity.