In case you want to read the fine print...


Inside UUTC: Our Governing Documents

Need to know more about how things run? You'll find a plethora of detailed information in the documents linked below. Happy reading!

Service on the board was such a joy. We were all bent on doing our level best by UUTC. But coming from different backgrounds and experiences, “our best” was perceived quite differently by each of us. The conversations that led to policy decisions were so enlightening. You really do learn to SEE in new ways. I wouldn’t have traded that experience for the world.
— Becky Young


All nonprofit organizations operate more smoothly if they have a written set of bylaws that govern and guide their efforts. We invite you to read our bylaws if you have questions about our governance.

UUTC Covenant

Likewise, if you want to see what we as a congregation have covenanted to do, please take a few moments to review this formalized covenant.

UUTC Policy Manual

Finally, if you just can't get enough inside information, here's a policy manual that spells out our intentions regarding just about everything related to steering our ship.


While the primary function of UUTC's facilities is to benefit and serve the needs and interests of the congregation, we also recognize our responsibilities to the wider community and wish to make our facilities available to organizations and individuals whose purpose and philosophy are compatible with the principles of Unitarian Universalism. Under certain circumstances, we allow the personal use of the facilities by our members and supporting friends, and we will allow the rental of our facilities to the general public. UUTC retains the right to disallow the use of its facilities by groups that represent beliefs or policies contrary to our denominational principles, purposes and traditions.

We expect all users of our facilities to treat UUTC property with respect in accordance with our Property Use Guidelines and to leave the premises as they were found. Guidelines and fees for property usage are detailed in the Building Usage Rules and Conditions (link below).

UUTC is a Not-For-Profit Religious Corporation and does not benefit financially from those who use its facilities. However, in the interest of fairness to supporting UUTC members and friends, fees may be imposed to help share the costs of utilities, maintenance and general wear.

Permission to use the Congregation's property for non-UUTC meetings and functions may be given when the terms outlined in the Building Usage Rules & Conditions document are met. Here's a simple Facilities Usage Application to complete.