In-Person services are at both 9 and 11 am. Masks required indoors regardless of vaccination status. Live-stream service at 9 am. Visit the Streaming page on our website! You can choose to watch from Facebook or YouTube.
Tune in here at 9:00 am:
Poet Mary Oliver, noted for her keen and reverent observations of the natural world and human emotion, has inspired dozens of Unitarian Universalist programs with her poem "The Summer Day." The final line challenges us to answer her question: "What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
Three UUTC members answer that question with honesty, self-examination, solemnity and humor, this Sunday. Come, and be inspired by the reflections of Mae Peterson, Peter Mockridge, and Sharon Gublo.
Photo by Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash