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Loved Into Being

Visit and “like” Unitarian Universalists of Transylvania County on Facebook to view our 10:00 service. “Mingling” is available during this live-stream! Please comment during the service so we know that you are there! Link below.

Want to avoid Facebook?  We have a new Streaming page on our website!  Visit the following website at 10:00 am

Faith in Unitarian Universalism isn't just an intellectual exercise: it's "heart" work. This full-length worship experience (90-minutes) features a sermon by UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, as well as vibrant music, storytelling, and other worship elements that will help us to grow in spirit, courage, and generosity.

Speaker: UUA President, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

Please visit the same page before the service for a Children’s story time at 9:30!

March 9

Fellowship On The Green

March 16

Fellowship On The Green