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Holy — A Presence That Disturbs

In-Person services are at 10 am. Masks are optional — use protection as you feel the need. Live-stream the service using the YouTube link below.

In his book and through his research Rudolf Otto transformed our understanding of the origins of the concept "holy". He coined the term "numinous" to describe a direct and immediate experience of that which is outside ourselves and our comprehension, the "mysterium tremendum et mysterium fascinans". This experience is accompanied with wonder. The numinous experience is the foundation of all religions and has little to do with morals or ethics- which come later. It is a universal human experience. As Einstein once said; "He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead, his eyes are closed.” We can re-awaken this experience but we may have to make some sacrifices.

Speaker: Rev. Ernie Mills

Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

Tune in here: YOUTUBE

June 23

French Conversation Group

June 26

UUTC Book Group