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Our Better Angels Find Their Voice

"Of what had I ever been afraid? I began to recognize a source of power within myself that comes from the knowledge that while it is most desirable not to be afraid, learning to put fear in perspective gave me great strength. I was going to die, if not sooner than later, whether or not I had ever spoken myself. My silences had not protected me. Your silence will not protect you." -- Audre Lorde (1984)

This month's theme: Abundance

Speaker: Carter Heyward

This message will be in some sense "part two" of the talk on Lincoln and the Civil War that Dan Carter will present at UUTC the week before. I'll be wrestling with who and what our "better angels" are (from Lincoln's First Inaugural) and how on earth we can imagine practicing "malice toward none and charity for all" (from Lincoln's Second Inaugural). With a little help from Lincoln, Dan Carter, the late great womanist poet and essayist Audre Lorde, the late esteemed novelist Toni Morrison, and Jesus of Nazareth, I'll be thinking about how we might free our better angels to help liberate us both as persons and as a society.

The first guiding Principle of Unitarian Universalism is the inherent worth and dignity of every person. UUTC welcomes all—persons of various ages, races, gender identities, sexual orientations, theological and political beliefs, socio-economic status, educational backgrounds, abilities and ethnicities. Services are at 9:15 and 11:00am. The building is wheelchair accessible, dress may be casual and visitors of all ages, races, gender identities, sexual orientations, abilities, and beliefs are warmly welcomed.

Infant care is available during both services.

Join us for coffee between services at 10:30am

August 24

Heartfulness Meditation

August 27

Men's Group