There are two major holidays celebrated in Islam each year, Eid-al-Fitr (celebrating the end of the fasting month of Ramadan, occurring in early- to mid-summer) and Eid-al-Adha, a day celebrating the prophet Abraham’s obedience to God’s command to offer his son as a sacrifice. While the Christian narrative names this son Isaac, the Muslim narrative identifies him as Ishmael. Celebrated from August 31 to September 1, Eid-al-Adha, considered the greater of the two main Muslim holidays, is a time for reflection on the sacrifices that we might make in our own lives. And, while we will certainly not be sacrificing any humans or animals as part of our service this week, we will be reflecting on our monthly worship theme of “Growth,” and what it is that we might be called to sacrifice in order that we might grow. What might we, as a community and as individuals, need to give up in order to live into who we are called to be?
This month's theme: Growth
Speaker: Rev. Ilene Kaur Tompkins-Gillispie
The first guiding Principle of Unitarian Universalism is the inherent worth and dignity of every person. UUTC welcomes all—persons of various ages, races, gender identities, sexual orientations, theological and political beliefs, socio-economic status, educational backgrounds, abilities and ethnicities. Services are at 9:15 and 11:00am. The building is wheelchair accessible, dress is casual, and visitors are always warmly welcomed.
Children's Lifespan Religious Exploration is offered at 11:00. Infant care is available during both services.
Join us for coffee between services at 10:30am!
photo by Robert Bennett