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The Nervous Laughter of Vulnerability

So many of us live with the fear of not being able to trust our innermost self as an intimate place. We have become strangers to ourselves, people who have an address but are never home and hence can never be addressed by the true voice of love.

This month's theme: Threshold

Speaker: Rev. Ian White Maher

The first guiding Principle of Unitarian Universalism is the inherent worth and dignity of every human being. UUTC welcomes all—persons of various ages, races, gender identities, sexual orientations, theological and political beliefs, socio-economic status, educational backgrounds, abilities and ethnicities. Services are at 9:30 and 11:00am. Beginning April 1st, the early service will begin at 9:15am. The building is wheelchair accessible, dress is casual, and visitors are always warmly welcomed.

Children's Lifespan Religious Exploration is offered at 11:00. Infant care is available during both services.

Join us for coffee between services at 10:30am!

March 11

ACLU People Power Resistance Training

March 13

Growing Younger with Kashmyra Asnani