The world is now experiencing the largest humanitarian crisis since WWII. An estimated 60 million people have been displaced worldwide. What is our responsibility as a faith community and as individuals to educate ourselves and to respond to this crisis?
The word refugee is used in the media without a clear explanation of the specific meaning of that word in the context of refugees coming to the US. Do you know who gets refugee status and why? Joanna Bliss, Bobby King and Annette Campbell are members of Western NC Refugee Challenge, a group formed last November in response to the backlash against refugees following the Paris attacks. They will talk about refugee status and what that means, resettlement in the US, including the potential for refugee resettlement in this area, their inspiring visit to Clarkston GA (the “Ellis Island of the South”) and opportunities for engaging with resettled refugees. Time will be reserved for Q and A following their presentation.