The remarkable and ground breaking story of Michael Servetus who lost a battle of ideas with John Calvin and was killed for religious freedom and truth.
It’s a noble heritage we Unitarians have, committed to the ideal of freedom in religion, in a God who loves us more than condemning us, in the ability of every one to intuit and apprehend spiritual truth, and the way of free exchange of ideas and open exploration. For Servetus, in his time, it was worth his life. For us, why shall we be silent in the face of those who think they have the only truth? We do not have to argue our position in the face of death, but we must speak our truth. The times are changing, the climate is becoming more orthodox in many ways, and we have things to say. So, in love, let us say them as we see fit, with courage, dignity and conviction.
Speaker: Rev. Jean M. Rowe
Services at 9:30 and 11:00am. Coffee and light refreshments between services.
UUTC is a Welcoming Congregation inclusive of persons of all backgrounds, faiths and lifestyles. Services are at 9:30 and 11:00am. The building is wheelchair accessible, dress is casual, and visitors are always warmly welcomed. Children's Lifespan Religious Exploration is offered at 11:00. Infant care is available during both services.