Drawing on some of her own theological work as well as contemporary events and challenges, Carter will be looking at relational mutuality, real mutuality — with both/ all parties benefiting — as an urgent call to us, as individuals, communities and nations. She will talk about why mutuality is in fact radical — hard and elusive; and offer some suggestions on how we might live more fully in the spirit of radical mutuality.
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Carter Heyward
Services at 9:30 and 11:00am. Coffee and light refreshments between services.
UUTC is a Welcoming Congregation inclusive of persons of all backgrounds, faiths and lifestyles. Services are at 9:30 and 11:00am. The building is wheelchair accessible, dress is casual, and visitors are always warmly welcomed. Children's Lifespan Religious Exploration is offered at 11:00. Infant care is available during both services.