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Wonderful Wednesday-- Oil & Water: The Challenge of Mixing Science and Politics

Dr. Robert J. Cabin

Dr. Robert J. Cabin

Oil and Water: The Challenge of Mixing Science and Politics

On the day after the election, Brevard College Professor of Ecology and Environmental Studies Robert J. Cabin will discuss the challenges of using ‘science-based’ policies to solve our problems and resolve our political and philosophical differences.

Dr. Cabin has written numerous professional and general audience articles on the complex relationship between academic science and its practical application in the messy real world.  He has also authored two books:  Intelligent Tinkering: Bridging the Gap between Science and Practice, and Restoring Paradise: Rethinking and Rebuilding Nature in Hawaii.

Dr. Cabin has been on the faculty at Brevard College since 2005 and coordinates the College’s Environmental Studies major.  Before coming to Brevard College he taught at Kenyon College and The State University of New York at Plattsburgh.  Previously he worked in Hawaii as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Restoration Ecology at the National Tropical Botanical Garden.

November 9

Eclectics Jam

November 11

Vitality Yoga with Kashmyra