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I Have a Dream-- Revisited

"Without a vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18a

What was UUTC’s dream when the congregation was founded?  Has it been realized?  What is the vision for the future?  As both the MLK national holiday (1/18/16) and the UUTC Visioning Retreat (January 30) approach, we will explore the role of vision in the life of an individual, a family, an institution, nation, or international movement -- and its power to shape the future.  What’s your vision for yourself and UUTC?  

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Paula Gable

Services at 9:30 and 11:00am. Coffee and light refreshments between services.

UUTC is a Welcoming Congregation inclusive of persons of all backgrounds, faiths and lifestyles. Services are at 9:30 and 11:00am. The building is wheelchair accessible, dress is casual, and visitors are always warmly welcomed. Children's Lifespan Religious Exploration is offered at 11:00. Infant care is available during both services.

January 15

Game Night!

January 18

Mindfulness Community